I have two dogs, two cats, one hamster, three goldfish, and a 90+ gallon fish tank in my room containing seven different species of freshwater fish.
My golden retriever, Tannah, is my absolute best friend in the entire world. She offers unconditional love to anyone and everyone.
I have very little free time because I am either twirling, teaching baton and dance, working, doing school related activities, or volunteering.
I have an many quirks or idiosyncrasies.
I absolutely love to read. My favorite series is hands down Lord of the Rings. My favorite quote from Tolkien is, "Not all wanderers are lost."
I worked with the special education kids at my high school. They are the best people I know.
At my high school I was very involved in band playing several instruments and conducting an after school choir. At football games I was given the privilege to perform with my marching band at halftime.
My younger sister and I are both nationally ranked baton twirlers. We even have a duet that we compete with jusy for fun.
I love nature. I spend time at my grandparents house on Lake Wisconsin and go fishing there as often as I can.
I have always wanted to join the Peace Corp which is why I want to become a nurse. That way I can join and help people across the planet. I initially wanted to get my PhD in molecular biology study stem cells and help finds cures for enigmatic diseases. Hopefully I will do that after spending time in the peace corp.